Friday evening picture

Friday evening Lindee & Clara were going to the Olivia Rodrigo concert in Charlotte – the tickets had been one of Clara’s Christmas present. They had a ticket for Mal to go with them, but she was at the beach on spring break, so a good friend Keira joined them instead. Our house is on the way to Charlotte – theirs is way out on the other side of town – so they came here to dress & meet up with Keira. I love when they do that & I get to see them off on their adventures. As it turned out, we were having Addie’s birthday supper that evening. We knew Lindee & crew wouldn’t be able to be here, but it was just the only evening we could find to have it. With all the teenagers in the family now schedules are insane, so we just have to roll with what we’ve got. As a matter of fact, Addie & June just came on their way home from Rock Hill, where June had gotten a spray tan to get ready for her dance competition the next day. Lee & Mason came from their house a little later. It was a busy, crazy evening at our house. Here is a group shot before Lindee, Clara, & Keira walked out the door.