Vacation Thursday

We had another good, low key day when we were on vacation on Thursday. In addition to more time at the pool and on the goofy golf course, June & I went to a craft class, where we decorated tote bags. Everyone else used the stencils that were provided, but creative June just went with her own design. I thought she did an amazing job. Our plans for the following day were to visit the Emily Dickinson Home – in fact, that was our reason for the entire vacation – so I especially loved June’s tote. The quotes on the handles are from Taylor Swift songs, who, as it turns out, is Emily Dickinson’s 6th cousin. How very cool.

Also spent some time hanging out in the arcade. It was another good day just hanging around the resort.

Vacation Wednesday

Yesterday Jeff, June, & I started out to explore the area, and our first stop was Mount Greylock, the highest mountain in Massachusetts. It was pretty hazy so the pictures of the views and even the tower on top didn’t really turn out that good, but I loved reading about it, anyway.

Neither Jeff nor June had ever been to Vermont, so we headed there next, and found a covered bridge – the Green River Covered Bridge – to drive through. That seemed like a very Vermonty thing to do 🙂

From there it was on to New Hampshire – another first for both of them – where we picnicked and went hiking in the Madame Sherri Forest. Such a good day to be out and about in New England. The little footbridge across the creek was pretty rickety, so the signs said to cross on these rocks through the creek instead, which Jeff and June did. Without my hiking stick, though, I was afraid to try it, so I took my chances on the bridge, and made it with no trouble at all 🙂

Tuesday Pix

Our vacation Tuesday was just a lowkey day, mostly spent around the resort. June & I did go & visit a couple of local nurseries – this girl LOVES plants – and did a little shopping and exploring in the area. We ended up on one way back mountain road that got so rough we had to just turn around and come back down, but before then she wanted to stop and take pictures of the absolutely gorgeous mountain creek running beside the road.

We came back to eat lunch and take a nap, and then hit the goofy golf course with Jeff. It was a fun, relaxing day.

Part 2, Norman Rockwell Museum

I loved that they had a room with an issue of every single Saturday Evening Post that he had drawn the cover for there in the museum.  Not just the pictures, but an entire magazine.  Most of the mailing labels were still on them, and they were from all over the country.  I bet the story of how they accumulated all of those would be interesting to hear.

We stopped and had lunch at a great diner located in the old general store building in Stockbridge. Food was great and it was fun just being in that atmosphere.

Norman Rockwell Museum

Monday of our Massachusetts vacation, Jeff, June, & I headed to the Norman Rockwell Museum. We got there a few minutes early, so while we were waiting on the porch for it to open, I noticed this sign and went ahead & took a picture, in case I forgot to get it on the way out. And sure enough, I never even noticed it when we headed home – so glad I got it first thing 🙂

We went on the really fabulous tour of his studio. It was so interesting – the guide was fabulous. I loved seeing this helmet was still there over his easel – I remember it being in that famous picture of him doing his self portrait 🙂

This was something really cool that we didn’t expect to see. Twice a year the Norman Rockwell Museum hosts exhibits of different illustrators and their illustrations. This one was one children’s and young adult books and magazines. There was a lot of information in the museum about Norman Rockwell’s work with the Boy Scouts – his longest affiliation with any company or organization, including the Saturday Evening Post, which of course is what he’s most famous for. I thought this was a cool picture, even though he didn’t draw it, and some cool information about it.

Vacation Sunday

I only got a couple of pictures Sunday of our vacation, and this is the only one I got of June on her first ever visit to the state of Pennylvania, where we spent the night. We found a fantastic little diner for breakfast near the motel where we were staying. We left Jeff there resting up from all of his driving, and just took breakfast back to him. It was delicious.

Quick stop at the New York Welcome Center to commemorate June’s first steps on NY soil 🙂

Heading Out on Vacation

Jeff, June, & I headed out Saturday morning for Massachusetts. Got a couple of welcome center pix along the way. We also went through Maryland, but only for about ten miles – they didn’t even bother with a welcome center 🙂 – and we were too tired when we got to Pennsylvania, where we spent the night, to even stop. It was a long day but a good one.