First JV Game

Last night we were in Rock Hill to see Adam and his Bearcats teammates take on legendary powerhouse South Pointe in his first JV game ever. He plays middle linebacker and on special teams – and that is a direct quote from my son. I don’t even know what all of that means. Anyway, he was in the game a good bit of the time, so that was exciting. That’s him in the white, going nose to nose with one of the South Pointe players.

After a fabulous, and frankly unexpected, 41-20 win. It was so much fun and so exciting. So proud of this kid and all of his teammates.

Happy Birthday to Adam

Wednesday afternoon my friend Flo and I went to Rock Hill to see the movie The Forge – so, so good – and then made a Krispy Kreme run before stopping by Andrew & Jenny’s house to drop off this treat for our football player, whose was having both his birthday and his first JV game the next day.

Andrew brought him in from practice while we were there, so I got this one final picture of him as a 15-year-old before we headed home. What a special afternoon.

Happy birthday to June!

We had been trying for over a month – since her birthday in July – to get the family together to celebrate June’s 17th birthday, and we just could not make it happen. So this past Tuesday she & I went out to eat her favorite, Mexican, to celebrate. I almost forgot to get a picture, but snagged this one as we were waddling out after stuffing ourselves 🙂

Fun at Mount Airy

Neither Meg nor I were able to go to the baby shower for Lig and Taylor last weekend, so yesterday we headed up to visit and take our shower presents, and we ended up getting to babysit little almost 18-month-old Heath while his mom went to her pregnancy chiropractor appointment. He is so cute and smart and funny. What a fun, fun afternoon.

After the Funeral

St Michael’s Catholic Church, where the funeral was held, served us an amazing lunch afterwards, and then we got some pix. Here are a couple, including the grandkids with their grandpa…

…and Jeff’s brother Mark with his son Christopher and daughter-in-law Sara. I hate that his granddaughter Dakota wasn’t there for the picture, but at four years old they thought maybe she should just go with her other grandparents rather than being at the funeral. She sure is a cutie, though.


Jeff’s mom, Marcelene, died a week ago today after a long illness. Of course even when it is not unexpected it is still just so hard for the family and all of their loved ones. Visitation was Thursday afternoon and evening at the funeral home there in Charlestown, and they just did a beautiful job of helping the family celebrate her life. When the family met with the funeral home they asked a lot of questions about her, and incorporated all of her favorite things in the videos that were playing there around the room – including her favorite TV shows. She’d never been on The Price is Right, but she would have gotten such a kick out of this.

There were some beautiful flowers and memorials there, including these from my siblings, which were absolutely beautiful, and meant so much to me. Andy & Amy drove up for the service, too.

Visiting Mint Hill

A few weeks ago I delivered peaches to Andy & Amy when they were babysitting their grand ones in Mint Hill, to take to Liz when they visited her a day or so later. While I was there, twelve-year-old Mia told me peaches were also her favorite fruit, and I promised her then that I would come back and bring her some. Last Monday Meg & I finally made it happen, and as it turned out it was their first day of their home school year. We had such a good time checking out their school room. One of their themes this year is sports, to tie in with the Olympics that just ended. So cute.

Got this group picture of the kids before we headed home.

Shopping in Bessemer City

Last Saturday Meg & I went to check out a new little thrift shop, Roadside Treasures, that I’d seen posted about on facebook, and it was cute as could be. We got some really great deals and had fun. We loved the signs and decor that were hung on the outside of the building :-). Then we had a delicious lunch at a Turkish restaurant there in town. Yummy.

Ski Show

Jeff & I had heard about the ski show they were doing on Friday nights up at Tega Cay, and had driven up to see it a couple of weeks ago, but the parking lot was full so they were turning people away. So we went earlier a couple of weeks ago & had a great time seeing it. Here are some pix.