More Basketball

Another game the following weekend for Adam and his Woodland UMC team. I got this (blurry) action photo during the game. That’s Adam with the ball, getting ready to go up for a layup.

He had quite the cheering section there that day. Jenny took this picture of us afterwards outside the Mount Holly UMC gym, before we headed out for lunch. From left are Andrew, Sherri, Charlie, me, Adam, Meg, & Jeff.

Adam’s Game

These pictures are from a couple of weeks ago. My computer upgraded itself and it has taken me this long to figure out how to download pictures off of my camera in this new version. Anyway, this is from another one of Adam’s church league games. The only action photo I got was Adam standing in front of us throwing in the ball. Hoping next week’s turned out better.

After the game with his proud big brother.

Bathroom Remodel

I only got a couple of pictures of Jackson and Jeff in action during the remodeling of our bathroom – I mostly picked out the new stuff and stayed out of the way – but here are a couple. Jeff is putting the finishing touches on painting the door today. We are loving it!

Queen’s Feast

A couple of weeks ago we had our outing to Queen’s Feast, Charlotte’s Restaurant Week, and it was, as always, a fantastic time. Mallory being there was a huge surprise – I didn’t realize she had to be in town for a dentist appointment earlier in the day. Jeff got this picture before we left the house.

Latest Puzzle

I loved this puzzle Jeff got me for Christmas – and we were really thankful to have it for the time we spent inside when the weather was so brutally cold 🙂

Unloading the Shower

Jeff and mostly Jackson have spent the past couple of weeks upgrading our bathroom – installing a walk-in shower and high toilet, painting, new plumbing and light fixtures – the whole thing. I am absolutely loving it. I got this picture of Jackson unloading the shower the week before the work actually began.

Adam’s First Game

I got these pictures a few weeks ago during Adam’s first church league basketball game of the season. He played really good, even though they didn’t come out on top. Next time! He’s #1 in the white.

Winter Puzzle #1

Luckily Jeff got me some puzzles for Christmas, so we have had something to do to keep us busy while this brutally cold weather we’re having is keeping us inside. Here is the first one we worked – 1000 pieces.

Icy Trees

During our ice storm last week our trees were so beautiful – especially since the electricity didn’t go out during it :-). I wish the pictures had turned out better.