Raleigh Ringers

Sunday after the service a group of us headed to Albemarle, NC – about an hour and a half down the road – to celebrate our friend Pam’s 70th birthday. After lunch we went & saw a program by the Raleigh Ringers, a world renowned handbell choir out of, of course, Raleigh. It was so, so good. I got just a couple of pictures during their performance – while they were entering…

…and the last song we got to hear (we had to leave before it was over to get back to church for a meeting several of our bunch needed to attend), which was Don’t Fear the Reaper. Not what I would expect from a handbell choir, of course, and it was a take off on the hilarious Saturday Night Live skit. You can see the guy who was playing Will Ferrell’s part in this picture. It was great. The whole afternoon was.