Yesterday Pix

Yesterday when I got to their house to pick Clara up to take her to school – the rest of the family was off moving Mallory into her dorm at USC – she was dressed in their new once-a-month ROTC attire. She said she doesn’t really like it, but I thought it looked pretty sharp.

Then that afternoon my friend Evie and I went to the Cinemark in Charlotte to see the movie, The Hiding Place. It was a film of a play, and was so, so good. I can remember when that book came out, but cannot remember ever reading it. I will definitely be remedying that soon. The theater is one where they have a grill. We ordered our lunch and got a buzzer, and when it went off we went to the door to pick up our tray of food. It was very cool, and now Clara can’t wait to go check out the Cinemark Bistro 🙂