At the Football Stadium

Friday a week ago was Clover’s playoff game, which they lost – and so ended their season. It was hard for us all, because this is Mal’s senior year, and she has gone to school with some of those guys since kindergarten. They were sad & so was she, and that was hard to watch. When we got there, though, Clara was directing traffic for parking. It’s a service project that the ROTC does every home game, but usually the students have to be 16 to be one of the workers. This week, though, with the playoff game, they figured the traffic would be so heavy they would need extra help, so decided to let some of the more mature younger students in on the activity. Clara assured me she thought she was mature enough, and apparently the major agreed, because there she was – although the picture I took wasn’t that good.

When we got into the stadium and went to walk up the steps, this was right beside the handrail. We were so excited to see it!