Sistine Chapel Exhibit

Yesterday morning I picked my friend Kirkie up and we headed to Charlotte to take in the Sistine Chapel Exhibit at the Savona Warehouse there. It really was pretty amazing. There were real size replicas of all of Michelangelo’s paintings there – the very size he painted them. It said we were getting the same view he had when he was painting them, which was pretty incredible. He painted seven prophets from the Old Testament there, and each picture must have been about twelve feet tall. There was a small description by each painting, like this one about Jonah.

We also chose to take the audio tour, so we got tons of information about the paintings themselves, as well as a lot more background about the Biblical figures, and some history about the Renaissance era itself. So interesting. Alas, the picture I took of Jonah did not turn out, but this is the one I took of Zechariah. Each of the pictures of the prophets was maybe 12 feet tall – just these replicas were awe-inspiring. I cannot imagine what it must be like to see it in person. Such a great exhibit.