Girls Beach Trip

Our girls’ beach trip is always such a highlight of my summer.  This year it absolutely was a whirlwind.  The others went a little earlier, but Pam, Sherry, & I didn’t get down there until late Wednesday night – Sherry & I both kept grandkids all day that day – and we headed home early Friday morning, but you just have to take what you can get when you’re trying to accommodate so many different schedules.  This year, particularly, since Becky had rotator cuff surgery Friday afternoon.  The Thursday we were there, though, was a beautiful day.  The town of Sunset Beach has a brand new park, with a lovely Veterans Memorial in it.  Here was the Navy kiosk.100_9142

After Becky & Charlotte left – soon after lunch – the rest of us went back out doing a little shopping, & then to check out the beach.  It was a beautiful day with great, great friends.IMG_20160630_173131