We had a good Thanksgiving – and I am even finally getting pictures downloaded. Here is our traditional group picture on our front steps. I took the picture, and Andy is sitting on the bench because he was scheduled to have hip replacement surgery just a couple of weeks later. Bottom row is Mallory, Amy, June, her friend Lexi who likes to come celebrate with us because her family doesn’t do Thanksgiving, and Little Hope. Second row is Jackson, Clara, Cinnamon, & Mike. Third row is Lindee, Dennis, & Meg. Standing are Lee, Mason, Addie, & Jeff.
The kids: Hope, Lexi, June, Clara, Mallory, & Mason. Andrew’s family was in Cameron, SC, with Jenny’s family. We missed them, but with her sister living in Texas, anytime they are in the state of course Jenny wants to visit with her. It was a great day.