Vacation Wednesday

Yesterday Jeff, June, & I started out to explore the area, and our first stop was Mount Greylock, the highest mountain in Massachusetts. It was pretty hazy so the pictures of the views and even the tower on top didn’t really turn out that good, but I loved reading about it, anyway.

Neither Jeff nor June had ever been to Vermont, so we headed there next, and found a covered bridge – the Green River Covered Bridge – to drive through. That seemed like a very Vermonty thing to do 🙂

From there it was on to New Hampshire – another first for both of them – where we picnicked and went hiking in the Madame Sherri Forest. Such a good day to be out and about in New England. The little footbridge across the creek was pretty rickety, so the signs said to cross on these rocks through the creek instead, which Jeff and June did. Without my hiking stick, though, I was afraid to try it, so I took my chances on the bridge, and made it with no trouble at all 🙂