Pix from Earlier

I have been having some trouble getting my pictures off of my camera – and you know that will never do – so yesterday I finally tried using another cable. It didn’t work great, but at least I could get them off. These are from several weeks ago when I went over and toured Mal’s work. Her supervisor was giving us a tour, and she pointed out this stack of scrapbooks and as something Mal was working on to catalog. On the scrapbooks she entered individual items, I think she said. Wow.

That evening we went to Food Truck Thursday uptown, where our friend Bob Dowd and the band he is in – Sixty Something – was the entertainment. Had a great Greek sandwich and enjoyed the oldies music. Unfortunately in this picture I took to show the mural on the wall behind them Bob is on the far right – right behind the speaker. Dang it.

Latest Puzzle

I mostly worked this puzzle last month when Jeff was Indiana, but I’ve just left it out on the table to keep admiring it – and hoping that the puzzle of that last puzzle piece will come to mind. You can see the last piece over on the left hand side – and very near it, the one piece that is missing in the puzzle. I don’t know where the mixup occurred, because the puzzle was brand new sealed in the box when I got it out. How interesting.

Outing With Clara

Last week Clara & I went out for a movie (“Twisters”) and lunch at Luigi’s as a last summer hurrah before she started back to school on Thursday. The movie was good, the food was great, and the company was out of this world.

Wall Project

When we were cleaning out Momma’s house before we sold it, the only thing Clara said she wanted as the wall where they had marked their heights for years and years. We thought that was crazy, but then we couldn’t leave it there, so Jeff cut it out and replaced the sheetrock in the wall. It came out in pieces, though, and even though it has been a year and a half, we finally got busy this week to get it put back together so we can get it to her. Hopefully we’ll finish it up soon so we can get it off of our dining room table 🙂