Oklahoma City

On our trip we flew into the Will Rogers Airport, and there were these great displays about the Museum of Women Pilots that is there on the property near the airport. We didn’t get to stop and tour it on this trip – that will be for next time.

When we checked into our hotel for the first couple of days, we found that it was right next to the minor league ballpark there in Oklahoma City. We couldn’t see the scoreboard & had no idea what was going on, but it surely made for a cool view from our window.

Oklahoma City Memorial

It’s been almost two weeks since Meg & I flew into Oklahoma City with the Eclipse Explorers from the Schiele Museum in Gastonia, NC, to spend eight days visiting the area, and of course making sure we were in the Path of Totality for the eclipse. Our first stop was at the National Okahoma City Memorial, commemorating the bombing of the Alfred P Murrah Federal Building in 1995. I didn’t get just a ton of pictures – it was just so moving and so emotional that I forgot to take them a lot of the time. I did get this list of some of the offices that were located in the building – there were two lists like this, with different offices, but of course the one with the day care center listed was so sad.

Just going back and looking at these pictures is bringing tears to my eyes again. We learned that every player for the Oklahoma City Thunder NBA team is required to tour the museum before they are signed, to learn what Oklahoma City is all about. It’s a pretty emotional place.

Final Sunday Pix

I was so glad we got this picture of us with all of the grand ones.

Mallory’s birthday was the day before Easter, so we had a little celebration for her while everyone was here. Adam took my camera & got several (SEVERAL) pictures of her opening presents.

Easter Pix

What a beautiful day yesterday was, celebrating Easter at church and then with a family gathering here at our house afterwards. Lindee had a bad sick migraine, so she & Jackson weren’t here, but the girls came to church and then here afterwards. We got this picture while everyone was still dressed up.

Finally got everyone here & got this picture of all six. It’s always a wonderful time when I can get them all together.