Choraliers Christmas Performance, Part 1

Sunday afternoon we were at the auditorium here in town for the final performance of the CHS Choraliers Christmas program. It was absolutely fantastic. This is Clara’s first year as a member of the Choraliers, and it was so much fun watching her do something she loves so much. I got this first picture of her name in the program because they were out of them when we got there. The lady next to me let me borrow hers to just look through.

Every part of the performance was just amazing. I loved it.

Hoopsgiving 2023S

The real goal of our trip to Atlanta was to see IU play Auburn at State Farm Arena. I got this picture before the disaster that was that game started. We had great seats – about 9 rows back from the floor, underneath the basket.

Mgbako making some free throws – but it wasn’t enough to rescue that fiasco. Still, it was a great time.

Friday Night in Atlanta

Friday Jeff & I left right after lunch to head to Atlanta. We were meeting Dennis & Cinnamon there to go to an IU basketball game on Saturday. We found our hotel without a whole lot of trouble, and Dennis had researched what was going on in the area that night, so we walked some blocks over to an outdoor German Christmas Market. It wasn’t really big, but very festive.

We walked around and enjoyed the sights and sounds there for a while, and then on the way back to the hotel, stopped at a sports bar we passed called Irby’s for supper. It was all decorated with Braves paraphernalia – as well as some Falcons and Hawks and UGA things, none of which I found nearly as much fun to look at :-). This picture hanging by the door was really cool. It actually had a screen on it playing scenes from the ballgame commemorated in the pictures. I’d never seen anything quite like that.

Forever Young Christmas Dinner

Thursday our Forever Young group at church – the senior adults – celebrated Christmas with a yummy potluck lunch. The tables were decorated so prettily.

Great entertainment from a quartet from church. It included our choir director, Cheri, and her husband Jason. We had a great time singing carols and listening to them perform.

Cadet of the Month

This past Wednesday Clara had to be at school very early, because she was nominated as Cadet of the Month in ROTC, and had to be there for her interview. We didn’t have time for me to take and outside-the-car picture of her – she didn’t want to be late – but I did snap this quick one of her in the car 🙂

At Cafe Monte

Last week Meg drove me into Charlotte for my follow up the day after my cataract surgery, and after my appointment we had lunch at Cafe Monte, a great little French restaurant in the same area as the doctor’s office. Lindee & I ate there once years ago during the Queens Feast week, and it was still just as delicious. It was all decorated for Christmas, and they were playing Christmas carols all in French. We loved that! We were taking pictures of the sign over the door to the restroom, and our very friendly waitress asked if we wanted our picture made with it, so we agreed to that.

We especially loved the Eiffel Tower planter outside the front door.

Decorating the church

Sunday before last we stayed after church, & the UWF (United Women in Fellowship) had soup and sandwiches and desserts for the men and youth, and we got the Chrismon tree put up and the rest of the church decorated. That’s Clara on the ladder helping hang the ornaments.

All finished and ready for the beginning of Advent.