Smith Family Christmas

Such a fun day last Saturday when we had our traditional Family Christmas the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Everyone was so happy to get a chance to play with our youngest family member, 8-month-old Frankie – hanging out here with her cousin Addie 🙂

Only half of Granny’s grandchildren were there, but we got a picture of those six. We sure missed the others, but hopefully we’ll be able to see them sometime in the new year.

Smith Family Christmas

This past Saturday was our annual Smith Family Christmas gathering. It was as fun as always. We all loved having time to bond with new baby Frankie. Here is Addie having her turn 🙂

We were missing several of the grandchildren, but loved getting to visit with the ones who were there 🙂

Grand Ones on Thanksgiving

As near as I can remember, Thanksgiving Day was the first time all of our six grandchildren have been together since Easter. It was fun watching that happen, believe me.

Like her momma before her, June almost always wants a picture by herself. And I am almost always willing to oblige 🙂

Decorating the Church

For as far back as I can remember, the UMW have decorated the church for Christmas. Then about 15 years ago when we built the new lobby, the UMM started helping us with the giant Chrismon Tree that goes in there. This year, though, because none of us women and men are getting any younger, we pulled the youth in to help. I got this picture of them helping to fluff and hang the garland from the balcony – although the picture itself didn’t turn out very good. That’s June in the middle.

Some multi-generational decorating of the Chrismon Tree.

At Bush’s Beans

When Charlotte and I were on our way home from our birthday trip to Pigeon Forge and Sevierville, we stopped for lunch and a little bit of shopping at the Bush’s Beans factory and museum. We had both been before, although never together, and it was as fun (and delicious) as we both remembered.