Anne Springs Close Greenway

Tuesday, for our spring break outing, Clara, Adam, Mason, & I headed over to Fort Mill, to spend some time outside enjoying the beautiful day. There was some talk about wading in the creek, but no one had any dry shoes and/or clothes, so they decided against it.

I took a break on the bench while they got some frisbee action going with a disk they found there on the ground.

Lake Norman State Park

Today I met Amy at this park about half way in between our houses, to spend a few hours hiking and picnicking. My phone takes terrible pictures, but it was such a beautiful day to be outside.

Easter Sunday

Now that my camera is broken, I am having to rely on my phone, which takes terrible pictures. And on Easter Sunday, I took exactly two pictures before it stopped working. Sigh. So the ones I got were both of the Yarbroughs. Thankful to have those, anyway.

Last day of being 15

I happened to be at Lindee & Jackson’s house on March 29 & was able to get this picture of Mallory the day before her birthday. She was on her way to the golf course.