Tuesday when I picked the girls up from school we headed to McDonalds for a snack to celebrate the last week of school for the calendar year 🙂 It was Flannel Day during Christmas Spirit Week at the middle school, if you couldn’t guess 🙂

Tuesday when I picked the girls up from school we headed to McDonalds for a snack to celebrate the last week of school for the calendar year 🙂 It was Flannel Day during Christmas Spirit Week at the middle school, if you couldn’t guess 🙂
I got home from New York last Saturday afternoon, and Sunday afternoon we headed to the auditorium for the high school chorus concert. Mallory is not in the Choraliers, but in the women’s ensemble through the chorus class she is taking this year. They sounded great. She is third from the left on the front row.
The decorations every single place we went in New York were just over the top, but the poinsettias in our hotel lobby may have been the prettiest I’ve ever seen. I’m so glad I remembered to get a picture of them while we were waiting on our Uber Saturday morning to head to the airport.
Our group picture at Grand Central Station. Charlotte’s feet were hurting so bad that she decided to spend the day resting in the hotel room, which really was probably a good thing. Even though we didn’t walk as far as we had all of the other days, I’m sure her blister would’ve just gotten worse. Grand Central Station was amazing, though.
We did brave the rain to see the windows at Macys before we headed back to the hotel for the evening.
Friday, our last day in New York, we spent the morning on a hop on=-hop off tour of uptown. The only place we hopped off was Grand Central Station. I wish we’d had longer to visit there, but you just can’t do everything – all we really took time to do was walk inside and look around really quickly. It’s such a great old building. This clock outside is the largest Tiffany clock in the world.
We had a great view of the back of St Patrick’s Cathedral while we were on the tour. What a gorgeous old building.
Thursday after we’d spent so much time with the Statue of Liberty we were about frostbitten, we headed into the museum to thaw out. The museum had just opened in May, so even those of us who had been to New York before had never see it. Such interesting information about her. This is one of her curls that had to be replaced during the restoration in 1986, in celebration on her 100th birthday. We learned that the copper that she is made out of is the thickness of two pennies. I can’t believe she hasn’t corroded completely away. Amazing.
After we left there we headed to the Empire State Building, to see the lights of the city. The museum there was also very interesting. There were some great exhibits about all of the movies, TV shows, magazines, etc, that included the Empire State Building, especially King Kong. So fun!
Thursday was the coldest day when we were in New York, but also the sunniest, so we decided to go ahead & head to visit the Statue of Liberty. I got this picture of Evelyn and Pam on the ferry on the way over. As Charlotte & I were boarding some huge waves hit the boat – we’re guessing the wake from a passing water taxi or something – so that was a bit hairy, but Evie and Pam were already in their places & weren’t shook at all 🙂
The Statue takes my breath away every time I see her.
Wednesday afternoon we toured the 9/11 Memorial through the Tribute Museum. The actual Memorial was so beautiful. All those names – all that sadness. We learned on the tour that the names are not carved into the marble, and not raised. They are actually cut all the way through. Honestly, there was a beautiful reason our tour guide gave us for that, and now it completely escapes me. Almost 3000 names around those pools. So incredibly sad.
That night we were glad to be a little more lighthearted at the Rockettes Christmas Spectacular at Radio City Music Hall. No photography was allowed during the show, but I did get this picture across the balcony to the Christmas tree and one of the Rockettes, where you could get your picture made. It was an amazing show.