Asheville Pinball Museum, Part 1

Friday night Charlie & Adam spent the night with us while their mom & dad went to a concert.  Saturday morning we hit the road early to drive to Asheville, to take in this museum I’d heard about.  It did not disappoint – what a fun, fun time.  Charlie and Adam really did seem to have a good time playing the old school pinball games.

They also loved this shooting game, especially Adam.  He played it a loooong time later on in the day as a single player.

Graduation Reception pix

Mallory with her dear friend Kayleigh Madison.  They were big buddies back in preschool, and then reconnected when they got to middle school, and have had such fun together ever since.

And with her exceedingly proud grandparents.

Mallory’s 8th grade graduation – Part 1

Yesterday morning Jeff & I were at Clover Middle School for Mal’s big day, thankful all the while that it did not fall at the same time as Clara’s had.  Mallory sang the National Anthem with some of the girls who were in Summit Chorus.

My pictures of the ceremony were awful, but I did get this one of Mal with her friends Emma and Shayla heading down the hall to the reception 🙂

Tuesday Pix

One more from Clara’s graduation – with her teachers, Mrs. Farris and Ms. Baysinger.  Both of these ladies grew up in our church, and have been such great teachers for Clara this year – plus she had Mrs. Farris last year.  Mallory also had her for two years.  We are so blessed by these ladies.

Alas, Mason’s 3rd grade awards ceremony was at the very same time, so we missed it.  I stopped by their house afterwards, though, to get pictures of him with all of his awards:  All A’s All Year, Perfect Attendance, Diligent Student Award, and the PE Award (his favorite 🙂 ).  So proud of all of our kiddos.

5th Grade Graduation Walks

Yesterday was Clara’s 5th grade Awards Ceremony.  They always begin with the 5th grade walk, when all the younger classes, as well as the parents and guests, stand in the hallway and clap for them as they walk into the auditorium.  I’m not going to lie, it was pretty emotional.  Clara has on the white floral dress.

Instead of diplomas, they present each of the 5th graders with a Clover Middle School t-shirt.  Here is Clara and her class walking over to receive theirs.  It was such a sweet way to end her elementary school career.

Monday Pix

Yesterday morning Jeff & I headed into town to watch June participate in the first of what they hope will be an annual event, and include more grades:  the Poetry Slam.  June and some kids recited poems they’d memorized and some read poems they’d written.  They all did such a good job.  Here is June reciting a selection from that perennial favorite, Shel Silverstein.

This is where Jeff spends much of his time these days.  He was able to get several loads of dirt at a very reduced price, so evening up the slope of the backyard wasn’t exactly what was on the agenda for this spring and summer, but that purchase changed his plans.  It really is looking good.

Marty Stuart

Friday night Jeff & I were in Shelby, NC, to meet our friends Charlotte and Bob.  We had supper and then went to the Marty Stuart Concert at the Don Gibson Theater there.  Jeff’s friend Luke and his band, the Grassabillies, were the opening act, so that made the night even more fun.

Marty was amazing, as was his band, The Fabulous Superlatives.  Such a great evening.

Clara’s Fifth Grade Talent Show

Yesterday morning Jeff & I were at Bethany Elementary School to see Clara perform.  She sang “Hallelujah” acapella, and just did such a good job.  I was so proud – and teary eyed.

The proud participants afterwards.  They all just did an amazing job.