Tuesday pix

Jeff’s been working out in the yard some, and he got this picture before I left to go pick Clara up from school.  Blossoms on the blackberry vines always make me happy!

Clara and I made Mexican Wedding Cookies yesterday afternoon. Yum!

Supper Help

This week I have Mallory and Clara four days, because next week Emma is picking them up every day while I am at Epworth-by-the-Sea.  Monday afternoon they helped me make meatloaf for supper.  Here is Clara getting the ketchup put on top.

Clara’s 10th Birthday Party

Such a fun afternoon yesterday, when we headed over to celebrate Clara at her party.  It was so hot that it turned into a water party sort of at the last minute, so the first activity was all the kids helping fill up water balloons and set up the sprinklers, etc.  I got them to all turn around so I could get this picture of them in action.

They did come inside to cool off, and to play the game where you sucked the M&M’s onto the end of the straw, and saw how many you could move to the next bowl. It was fun for them to play and fun for us to watch :-). Great party.

Friday night at the track

It wasn’t Relay for Life at the track Friday night – at least there were no walkers – but there were luminaries along the track, and this in the empty stands across from where everyone sits, and a ceremony after the race was over. I wish they’d been able to turn the lights off on the soccer field behind there, so they would really have shown up better. After the race. Charlie took first place in the first moto, and first place in the main again. He is really on a roll. We are so proud!

Kids Make Comics

Yesterday afternoon I took June, Clara, and Mason to the library in town to take part in the Kids Make Comics program.  As June said when we were leaving, It was Amazing!  This picture was one the cartoonist drew in what he called a thirty second challenge, when he just started out with a random shape, and then spent thirty seconds – while the kids counted – creating a character out of it (in this case it was a rectangle), and then progressing with how he could develop a story for the character.  And then he had the kids do their own thirty second challenges.  They did such a good job.

We love the Clover library!

Making Fruit Sprinkles

Tuesday afternoon I picked Clara up after school – Lindee got off in time to get Mallory, who had her first spring golf practice of the year (and, incidentally, said she had so missed being on the golf course 🙂 ).  Clara and I made yummy homemade fruit sprinkles, which began with zesting lemons and putting them in the oven to dry.  Clara is a good zester!

Clara’s First Soccer Game…

…of the season.  Her team actually had a tournament last weekend while we were in Florida, so this was her game.  She played hard and scored a goal, so we were all excited.  She’s the one with the braid and bright shoes – and we found out that the bow is against the rules.  No adornments!