The Funeral

What a lovely, lovely service Aunt Sarah’s funeral was.  The preacher had obviously spent a lot of time with her in the five years he’d been there, and he had lots of good, funny stories to share.  I knew that some people there called her Snow, but didn’t know that apparently pretty much everyone did.  When we got to the church I asked where a water fountain was to take some medicine.  A lady from the church took me back to the old fellowship hall – now the youth building – and while I was getting a drink, she patted the stove, and got pretty weepy, and said, I wonder how many meals Snow cooked on this old thing?  And sort of the preacher’s theme for the sermon was how many people called her Miss Snow, and how much they are, indeed, going to miss Snow.  Very, very sweet.  Luckily Sherri and Gary had come in from this direction, & told us about this sign at the crossroads on down past the church.  The entire day was just such a wonderful tribute.


Aunt Sarah’s Visitation

Monday Boo picked me up at lunchtime, and we hit the road to Georgia.  We made great time and had time to kill eating pie at Chili’s and then shopping at The Vitamin Shoppe before we met Greg and Tabitha at his work to head to visitation for Aunt Sarah in Jackson.  It was very nice.  They had a great slide show playing the entire time, with Alan Jackson’s CD of hymns playing in the background, and we must’ve watched it all the way through half a dozen times – at least.  We were all surprised by how much she & Momma looked alike when they were young – I’d just never noticed it before.  We ended up staying almost the entire two hours, even though no other cousins showed up other than Peggy and Patty, of course.  There were some beautiful flowers, including these from Beth and Jackie – possibly the prettiest funeral flowers I’d ever seen.  I think there must’ve been four dozen red roses in this arrangement.  We left there and then stopped for what I’m pretty sure was the best Mexican food I ever ate for supper.  So, as Sherri reminded us, it was a good time and a bad time.IMG_20150601_190210