Jesus in the Wilderness

Our theme at church this past Sunday, the first Sunday of Lent, was Jesus in the Wilderness. That was what our Sunday school lesson was about, and the sermon, hymns, etc in big church. And this was the display in front of the church. The altar was in use since it was communion Sunday, so this display was at the side. I thought it was so beautiful I had to get a picture.


I got this picture last Friday when Keaton was here. He is cutting teeth and was feeling a little under the weather, so I’m sure not sleeping as good as he usually does at night. We’d been reading, and he got down to get a toy, but instead just fell down dead asleep in the middle of the floor. Bless his heart – he is such a sweetheart. Luckily this week when I had him he was feeling better.

Veterans Valentine

I finally remembered to take my camera in when Mason & I were at church last Wednesday putting up food for the food giveaway, and got his picture with the Veterans Valentine in the church lobby. He added Jeff, Cooper, and Trey’s names, of course.

Shrove Tuesday

Catching up on pix this afternoon, including this one from a week ago – the centerpieces at the pancake supper at church. So cute and festive!