Unfinished Business

Saturday night while Charlotte & I were on our birthday trip, we took a ghost tour in Franklin.  I have been on ghost tours before, in both Savannah and Gettysburg, and they are always good.  This one was no exception.  Our tour guide owns the company, Where Shadows Walk, that puts them on, and he was just a wealth of information about the town, not just about the ghosts.  It was a two hour tour, and it really ended up lasting about 2 1/2 hours, just Here he is in front of the old building that houses the Historical Society, telling about some of the ghosts in this area.

OK – I’m not gonna lie. This was bizarre. We went to the graveyard, and the tour guide gave us each two sort of L-shaped pieces of coat hanger wire. You held them straight out – he said like you used to hold a cap pistol when you played cops & robbers as a kid. Very loosely, with your thumbs not even touching them. Then when you walked over a grave, the wires would cross. And sure enough, they did. He said it was the remnant of energy left in the bodies, ever many, many years after they had died. It was bizarre. I asked him if did he think maybe we were subconsciously moving them ourselves – although I’m not gonna lie, I was holding them so loosely I thought they might fall out of my hands. He said he really didn’t think so. He said he found it comforting, because in the Bible it says that at the second coming the graves will open and the dead in Christ will arise. And he said he thinks that is what this is waiting for. Sure enough, it didn’t happen on every grave. Very interesting.  I got this picture of Charlotte in action.