Mason Last Friday

Another fun day last Friday when Mason was at the house.  It’s been a couple of weeks, now that Addie is only working every other Friday, since he’s been there all day, so it was a big day – for me, anyway.  We spent the morning making peach cobblers.  Lindee had asked me to make something for the Bethany Elementary bake sale that was to be held during the St. Patricks Day Festival in town on Saturday.  She mentioned they’d like to have a variety of things, & I thought peach cobbler would be something different.  Mason is always a lover of the cooking, and here he is adding the baking powder to the batter.  We tested it when it came out of the oven, of course – Meg was there for a short visit to sample with us – and he said he still didn’t like it as much as the chicken parmesan he & I had made earlier – not making it nor eating it.  He did love that chicken parmesan 🙂100_6888


Then that afternoon Lee picked June up from school & brought her over to play, and we finished up the string balloons we’d started earlier.  They got as much string put on them as they wanted, & now they’re hanging from our kitchen light, dry & waiting for them to come back this week to pop the balloon inside & figure out how we’re getting it out from between the strings :-).  The kids had fun making those.100_6891