Meeting President Obama

I really cannot adequately express how special Friday night was, when Cooper, through his old navy buddy Brandon, set it up for Coop, Zollie, Boo, and me to be on the stage when President Obama spoke in Charlotte, so we got a chance to shake his hand both as he was coming on the stage and afterwards.  Brandon is the person who runs the teleprompter for the president – or most times for the vice president, he said – so we got some behind the scenes info, which was great.  While we were waiting to go on stage we sat in the VIP area, and Brandon came over to visit with us as he could while he was working.  This was one of my favorite pictures of the night.img_20161104_171801

And my second favorite picture – Brandon took this of us after the rally was over. It was definitely a night we won’t ever forget.img_20161104_205626

Final Halloween shot

Jeff wanted me to get some pictures of the grave yard he’d set up in the yard so he’d remember next year in case he wanted to make any adjustments.  This wasn’t in the grave yard – it’s actually on pirate island – but it’s one of my favorite little scenes 🙂img_20161102_154657

Flag Patrol

This has been a crazy busy week, so am just now getting pictures downloaded for the entire time.  One of many highlights of the week was Monday, when I went with Jenny to help her with the Halloween party for Charlie’s class – she’s the room mother.  I stayed and picked up the boys so she could take their dog Mia to the vet, which meant that I was there to see both Char and Adam perform their flag patrol duties, which they do every day, morning and evening.  It just made me so proud.img_20161031_141920

Haunted House

Last night was our annual haunted house/trail for the kids, family, & friends.  We had a ball.  Actually it’s always been a trail before, but this year, since Jeff’s shoulder was still bothering him from his motorcycle dance back in the spring, he decided to go with a Haunted House.  It was fun , and the kids seemed to like it just as much.  Here is part of the kitchen scene.img_20161030_162647

A lot of my pictures didn’t turn out at all – luckily the kids got much better ones than I did – but I did get this cute picture of Charlie and Adam when they first arrived. What a fun night we had.img_20161030_171303